The liquid that is naturally contained in fruit and vegetables is called juice. By our definition, products referred to as juice are 100%.
Many commercial juices are filtered to remove the fibre or pulp but fibre content can vary by product type and application.
Juices that have been evaporated to enable part removal of the water content within the juice are referred to as concentrate.
As opposed to juice, concentrates enable more cost effective transporation and storage.
Whole or peeled fruit and vegetables that have been ground, pressed, blended and/or sieved to the consistency of a soft creamy paste or thick liquid.
Custom Designed and Blended Options
To overcome some of the issues presented by seasonality and variable maturity levels at harvest we also offer a range of standardised concentrates.
Typically standardised products may be brix and acid adjusted and manufactured to a predetermined concentrate fold ratio such as 5:1 or 8:1.
By way of example:
In an 8:1 fold ratio,
1 litre of concentrate + 7 litres of water
= 8 litres of finished product.
Dependent on requirements, the addition of preservative, colour or flavour may also occur at this point of manufacture.
Aside from straight varietals, our expertise also enables the customised pre-blending of various fruits and vegetables specific to the market or customer requirements.
To further assist with batchi ng outcomes and the minimisation of product losses, we can also offer filling volumes or weights to suit the individual requirements of our customers.